Give a child knowledge.

Give a child heritage.

Give a child pride!

Welcome to the Jewish Children’s Service Organization.

Responding to needs in our community, with your help.


Helping Jewish families in Greater Hartford is one of the most meaningful things you can do.

JCSO is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization.

We award funds to children and families facing dire situations and critical needs.

We invite you to learn more.

Making a Difference in Children’s Lives

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Helping families be assures their children are in safe, nurturing, affordable day care settings is absolutely essential to their well-being. More…


Hanukkah Gifts

The joy and excitement of Hanukkah is very special. JCSO proudly purchases and lovingly wraps gifts that are presented to children who might not otherwise receive a gift at Hanukkah. More…


Backpacks & Supplies

Backpack and the school supplies they carry are important to starting each school year prepared and ready to learn. JCSO assists families in need. More…


Basic Needs

Nothing is more fundamental than being able to meet a child’s needs for the basics… sufficient food, clothing and housing. JCSO helps families provide their children with these essentials when dire situations arise. More…


College Education

College education can be daunting, particularly when the cost appears out of reach. JCSO can be part of a family’s answer, when college appears in doubt. More…


Summer Camp

Is anything more fun than summer camp, surrounded by friends, activities and adventures. Often the break from trying circumstances can be the boost a child needs. JCSO helps to make it happen. More…